We already know there are 12 principles in agile manifesto. http://agilemanifesto.org/principles.html

I think the essence of these guidelines are achieving the values,principles and practices of agile management. I will try to create a perspective for creating a discipline with in the lights of agile manifesto. Also I will try to tell the values, principles and practices in a pattern which generates form of thinking in our minds for being agile more easily.

For specifying the values,principles and practices, pattern will be:

Pattern: {practice} will present {value} and these values will settle in team with principles {principle}

“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software”

  • Highest priority means that the most important thing to focus for team.And crucial point is not to distract team focus in other things for a specific time.

Product Backlog will present Commitment, Focus and these values will settle in team with principles Limiting work in progress ,Economics

  • For satisfying the customer , team should know the results of their efforts by customer.So definition of done is very important.If user acceptance tests are exists and if they pass for the promised jobs by the team, satisfying information of customers can be gained.The quality value should be inject to worklow of team.Also commitment value come here by promising flow.

Definition of Done, Real Customer Involvement, Acceptance Tests, Sprint Review will present Commitment, Focus and these values will settle in team with principles Active User Involvement, Business Value, Quality, Failure

  • As the principle stated explicitly the main purpose is satisfying the customer.In software development sector, customer can be anyone who needs the software do something for them.But customers can not make clear and definitive decisions about the product in early times.And also software customer is not just a person who needs it.So a role occurs here which is product owner.Product owner represents the customer.

Real Customer Involvement will present Communication, Respect and these values will settle in team with principles Active User Involvement

  • Early delivery creates comprehension , feedbacks about the product.Furthermore misunderstandings because of not defining requirements well is recognized earlier.

Incremental Deployment, Small Releases will present Feedback and these values will settle in team with principles Frequent Delivery, Incremental

  • Continous delivery ensures tha the software is reliably released at any time. It consists building testing and releasing software faster and more frequently.

Automatic testing, continuous integration , Product Demonstration, Iteration will present Commitment, Feedback and these values will settle in team with principles Flow, Iterative

  • Valueable software says software should be valueable.But key point here is the perspective of customer.The business value should be brought to customer by software. Customer is able to (product owner) prioritize requirements by their needed business value.

Product Backlog will present Commitment, Focus and these values will settle in team with principles Economics, Business Value

  • “Our” means the team which gives commitment about the transformation of customer business needs to software product.

Whole Team will present Communication and Comunication value will settle in team with principles Diversity, Accepted Responsibility, Empower the Team